Updates: DirectoryEngine version 1.5 and FreelanceEngine 1.2.1

Updated on February 22, 2025 in No Category
0 on November 25, 2014

After collecting suggestions from our customers, DirectoryEngine and FreelanceEngine were upgraded with some small changes and bug fixes to enhance all the existing functions.

DirectoryEngine version 1.5 (DE v1.5)

User List for Mobile

In DirectoryEngine v1.4, admins can create a page to list all the users activating in the site. By this way, other users can easily grab all the main information of the place’s owner and take a glimpse at the places as well. You can easily find a user using the supported search bar on the top of the page. For each user, there’s a specific section providing the owner’s name, address and the thumbnail images represent all the posted places.

And in this DirectoryEngine v1.5, we update this function for mobile device’s users with the same interface.

user-list - directoryengine

Updating Schema For Mobile

Recently, many customers have concerned about doing SEO on their site. Let’s give you a hand with that!

From now on, the rating information in your page will be displayed when you use your mobile devices to search on Google. It can lead to enhance rich snippets and these rich snippets can increase SERP click through rates by up to 30%. That means up to 30% more traffic will be generated to your site.


URL Slug for Tagged Place Page

One more function we would like to introduce to you to help you doing SEO on your site: URL Slug for your Tagged Places pages. With this slug, you can create a SEO friendly URL by adding desired keywords into it.

Moreover, this function also helps you group all the places which are in the same industry or locate in the same area.

url tag-directoryengine

Bug Fixes

  • Fix “Category Calculation” issue: The number in each sub-category will be automatically calculation in the parent data.
  • Fix “Page Number” issue of Event List in user profile: previously, the number of displayed events was higher than the actual number. Now, this problem was solved.
  • Fix “Reviews Calculation” issue: The number of user’s reviews now has been calculated correctly.
  • Correct grammar error: We edited the words “LOGIN IN” into “SIGN IN
  • Fix “Delete/Archive Entry” issue: Whenever user would like to archive his entry, he just click on the trash bin icon of that place, then hit “OK”. That entry will not be displayed anymore.

FreelanceEngine 1.2.1

Creating a project from Account Page

Previously, users need to go to the Home Page or view the main Projects Page to find the “Post a Project” button. From now, there is a “Post a Project” button right in Account page, therefore, users can create their own projects without going back to Home Page.

post a project - freelancerengine

Disable Comment on project

Usually, there is a comment box for each project. But if Admin wants to disable comments to prevent spam posts, they could disable users’s comments. At front end, projects will be shown like this:

disable comment - freelancerengine

Adding “Open Workspace” hyperlink under Project Detail tab

From now, users can easily access workspace by going to user’s account Profile Page and clicking at “Open Workspace” button under Project Detail Tab. It would save much time for users than before.

open workpace - freelancerengine 

Verify Account

It is really important for users to verify their accounts as if they do not do that there is a possibility you will not have correct user’s database.

From now, if Admin would like all users have to verify emails before posting new posts or bidding new projects, he can enable “Email Confirmation” at back-end Dashboard. Therefore when users sign up new accounts, they have to verify their accounts.

At their Profile Page, there will be shown up a sentence “You have not confirmed your email yet, please check out your mailbox” to remind them open their mailboxes and verify their accounts. Other while, users can click on the hyperlink “Request confirm email” to resend verify emails.

And if Admin does not want user to verify their accounts, he can disable this function. New users can post new posts or bid new projects right after signing up.

email remind - freelancerengine

Bug Fixes

  • Fix “Review Counter” issue: The number of user’s reviews now has been calculated correctly.
  • Fix “Heading Tags” issue: In order to help your site with SEO, we have changed the HTML. Now, search engines can index the information of your pages easier.
  • Fix “Red pot Notification” issue: We have already changed the red notification bigger for users to notice.
  • Fix “Translation” Issue: We have fixed this issue. All the texts are translated correctly now.
  • Fix “Accepting/Skipping Bids” issue: When employers decide which freelancers they should hire for their projects, they can click “Accept” or “Skip” to accept or skip bid in their profile page. Once they accepted bidding of a freelancer, the “Accept” link will not be shown for the rest of freelancers.
  • Fix “URL Slug” issue: users now can add slug “profile” for user profiles’s URLs.
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