Updates: OneEngine version 1.1, BookingEngine version 2.0 and HotelEngine version 2.0.1

Updated on February 22, 2025 in No Category
0 on September 6, 2014

OneEngine version 1.0.1

Since OneEngine’s released, we’ve received quite a lot of attention from our community. We’re really happy that our product can help you somehow and thankful for all the support.
During the past couple days, maybe many of you have noticed the disappearance of OneEngine. The reason is that we’ve been updating it with a few bug fixes. At the moment, OneEngine v1.0.1 is released. Although there’s no major changes in this latest version, most of the annoying bugs are now gone. We hope this new version could help your site run more smoothly.
– Fix responsive issue on mobile.
– Fix external links on Header Menu.
– Fix portfolio image’s size.
We also come up with the idea of a more advanced OneEngine.
In our first thought, this version will support more modules, the code will be optimized even more and it’ll surely run faster. We’re excited about this idea, however, we want to hear your feedback first. Are you interested in a premium version for OneEngine? Please don’t hesitate to send us your opinions.

image - OneEngine

BookingEngine version 2.0

Besides the return of OneEngine, BookingEngine’s also upgraded with two new features: Pricing and Calendar.


The hotel owners can now set up pricing plans for their rooms on special events. This can be used for hosting promotion events that help you to attract more customers.
Different from the old versions, which you can set up just one price for every room’s types, the new version now allows you to set up different prices for different kinds of rooms.
In addition, you also have two options when creating your plans. You can set up your plan on an exact date or weekdays, it’s all based on your preference.
Moreover, you can simply drag and drop the plans to arrange their priorities.

pricing BE-HotelEngine


This is your online calendar where you can track up all the previous booking records. It also have notes with basic information for each booking.

calendar BE-HotelEngine

HotelEngine version 2.0.1

Last but not least, HotelEngine is also completed with some updates:
– Update room price metabox: in the previous versions, there was an issue with the “Save” option when admins add new room’s pricing. The bug’s been fixed, the system works fine now.
– Update display all services: the “Services” function is good now, it’ll display all the services for admins to see.

services - HotelEngine
– Fix email system: from now on, if a user doesn’t log in, the “Pending order email” will be sent to them.
– Update Revolution slider: During the past few days, we’ve been informed some issues happened with the popular plugin – Revolution Slider. Fortunately, the issue can be fixed with the latest version of this plugin. Therefore, in order to protect our valued customers, we’ve already bundled the new version of it. No more worries needed, your site are safe now. But please take a note that: you have to export your sliders, delete the plugin then use our theme’s function to update it again.

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